Drug Discov Ther. 2013;7(3):95-100. (DOI: 10.5582/ddt.2013.v7.3.95)

Changes in and shortcomings of drug stockpiling, vaccine development and related policies during outbreaks of avian influenza A H5N1, H1N1, and H7N9 among humans.

Mei L, Tang Q, Cui YM, Tobe RG, Selotlegeng L, Ali AH, Xu LZ


The purpose of this paper is to provide a reference for the future stockpiling of drugs and developing vaccines for treatment of emerging infectious diseases by summarizing the status of drug stockpiling, vaccine development, and related policies during three major outbreaks of avian influenza among humans (H5N1 in 2003, H1N1 in 2009, and H7N9 in 2013). Documents regarding drug stockpiling and vaccine development during three influenza outbreaks have been reviewed. Results indicated that the response to pandemic influenza outbreaks has improved markedly in terms of stockpiles of antivirals and vaccine development. These improvements also suggest advances in related policy planning. These trends also foreshadow better prospects for prevention and control of emerging infectious diseases. However, the rationality of drug stockpiling and international cooperation still needs to be enhanced.

KEYWORDS: Rapid-response stockpile, guidelines, timetable

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